Welcome to Nishkam Saint Puran Singh Institute (NSPSI), a name derived from Saint Puran Singh, one of the most eminent and influential Sikh Saints of the 20th Century who migrated from Punjab in India to Kenya in 1917 and established a family business, Kericho Wagon Works in Kericho town.

In 1973, Saint Puran Singh founded a not for charity, Guru Nanak Sewak Jatha (GNNSJ), which later established NSPSI in honour of the founder.  The Institute admitted the first students in January 2008 and was officially opened on 30th April 2009.  NSPSI was established with an aim of giving back to Kericho Community and its environs and is currently offering the following programmes; ATC, CPA,/CPS/CCP, Human Resource Management, Business Management, Computerized Secretarial, Library and Information Studies, Social Work and Community Development, Electrical, Building and Construction, Plumbing, Carpentry & Joinery, Automotive Engineering, Welding & Fabrication, Tailoring & Dressmaking, ICT, IMIS, Programming & Web Design, Accounting Packages and Computer Application Packages.

The vision of NSPSI is to be the preferred destination – the centre of excellence in education for today’s professionals.

Community Engagement

Spreading love and support to the vulnerable in our society through community service is deeply embedded in our mission, our values and ethos at NSPSI Institute. The Community Service Center offers programs that provide our students, alumni, staff and partners with opportunities to be empowered and to empower others in purposeful and love-filled work in the community.

The vision shall be achieved by focusing on the mission of ‘providing Qualitative Education by highly trained and motivated faculty while sustaining good moral and ethical values in a safe, caring and inspiring environment’. 

Students are reminded that they are members of an Institution providing professional training and as such, their behavior should reflect this fact.  They are representatives of the college and their good behavior is not only important while they are within the Institution, but also outside and their future. The Management of NSPSI has developed the rules and regulations laid down in this document with the aim of establishing a Code of Conduct, by which the students can draw guidelines on how to behave morally, ethically and professionally.

  1. Class Times

Monday to Friday:                                    8.30 a.m. – 4.00 p.m.

Tea Break                                                  10.30 a.m. – 11.00 a. m.

Lunch Break                                             1.00 p.m. – 2.00 p. m.

Part – time students

Monday to Friday;                                  5.30 p.m – 7.30 p.m.

Saturday                                                  8.00 a.m – 1.00 p.m

Students must always observe punctuality in class attendance.


  1. Attendance

Every student should attend all class sessions as and when scheduled. A register will be passed around during each session. Any student who does not attend class regularly may not be registered or entered for the final examinations.

In addition, the student’s parents/guardians or sponsors will be notified of the individual’s lack of attendance.

  1. Absenteeism

Anyone absent from class must give an explanation note from the parent/guardian/sponsors or physician to the Class Lecturer concerned.

  1. Non – Examinable Subjects

It is compulsory for students to attend classes for elective subjects (non examinable) during the semester including Life Skills.

Resource talks on life skills and career guidance will be organized during the term /semester and attendance is compulsory for all students.

  1. Study Periods

This refers to the periods when the students have not been assigned scheduled/supervised classes.  All students are expected to utilize this time efficiently and effectively.  Students should not loiter around the corridors or make noise in class during these free periods.  They should do private studies in their lecture rooms or access the library.

  1. Access to Premises

Students MUST at all times display their Gate Pass Cards to the Security Guard when entering the College.e.

  1. Semester Registration.

Students must register by filling up a registration form for the semester prior to the commencement of classes.  The registration forms and the bank deposit slips should be submitted to the Deputy Principal/Registrar before the start of classes.

  1. Fee

Fee must be paid when due, it can be paid;

  1. In full on the student’s first day of the term OR
  2. In two installments, the first installment must be paid on the first day of the term and the second installment by the fifth day of the following month.

Any student‘s fee not paid when due will not be allowed to attend further classes until the fee is paid in full.

Any request for extension of payment deadlines must come from the sponsor not the student.

NB:  These request s must be made to the Deputy Principal.  Extensions may be considered only in extreme cases.

  1. Amount refundable.

If the student withdraws within one month into the term, the amount refundable will be utilized tuition fees less 10% administration fee

If the student withdraws after one month into the term, NO refund will be given.

  1. Excess deposit in Banks.

If the student withdraws within one month into the term, the amount refundable will be utilized tuition fees less 10% administration fee

If the student withdraws after one month into the term, NO refund will be given.

  1. Refund of Caution Money.

Caution money is refunded at the end of the course.  Clearance forms are available in the Accounts office.

  1. Academic Leave/Deferral.

A student wishing to defer his/her course must inform the Deputy Principal/Registrar in writing, without which it will be assumed he/she has absconded.

  1. Internal Examinations.

In order to maintain standards and ensure that students are adequately prepared for the External Examinations, they must sit for ALL CATS and final internal examinations.

  1. External Examinations.

Externally examined students, e.g. KASNEB, KNEC, NITA, e.t.c will have to pay the prevailing registration and examination fee for relevant examination bodies; they will need to observe exam registration deadlines.

The following offences within the premises will lead to expulsion;

  1. Forgery or falsifying documents.
  2. Theft (either the institution property or personal property of any individual)
  3. Impersonating.
  4. Brawling or fighting.
  5. Drunkenness/Smoking.
  6. Disorderly behavior.
  7. Malicious and willful damage of Institution’s property.
  8. Assaulting any member of staff when he/she is discharging official duties
  9. Use of abusive/insulting language to any member of staff.
  10. Possession, use or peddling of narcotic drugs.

k .Conviction by a court of law to serve a jail term while one an NSPSI student.

  1. Agitating for boycotting of lectures, tutorials, practicals, or any
  2. Agitating for boycotting of lectures, tutorials, practical’s or any other courses of instructions/academic programs/examinations.
  3. Mobile phones

Mobile phones should be switched off during all class sessions.  No student will be allowed to take or make calls during lessons.  If the student fails to comply, the matter will be taken up by the Deputy Principal for disciplinary action.

  1. Dressing

Students are expected to dress decently and the following items will not be permitted;

  1. Sandals and Slippers
  2. Caps or hats
  3. Shorts
  4. Cut off tops
  5. Miniskirts
  6. Scanty dressing
  7. Student Leadership.

All students are expected to participate in the election of Student Leaders; each class will be expected to elect a Representative who shall be part of the Student Council.

  1. Grievance Procedure

Any issues of general concern should be channeled to the principal through the student council or the respective Heads of Departments.

  1. Industrial Attachment requests should be channeled through the respective Heads of Departments.
  2. Time Table changes/requests should be channeled through the Academic Registrar.
  3. Contacts

E – Mails contacts for:

  1. Information –
  2. Principal
  3. Deputy Principal




We are located next to Kericho District Hospital, adjacent to Guru Nanak Temple on Isaac Salat Road. P O Box 276 – 20200, KERICHO. For further enquiries contact us on    

    Tel: 0705191286 ,Email: